Coconut Vegan Latte

Spring is in the air! As the weather gets warmer, I still crave a warm cup of coffee in the morning. Right now we're brewing a local grind from Red Bike Coffee . It is devine!

I recently became interested (maybe obsessed because of all the amazing health benefeits) with using pure, unrefined, organic coconut oil in everything! I found that it adds a very creamy flavor to my coffee without the use of any dairy products. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy locally vat processed, organic milk pretty often (Thank you Working Cow of Alabama), but a dairy free option is always a nice change of pace. I brew my coffee then pour 8 oz into the blender with a teaspoon of coconut oil and voila! Creamy, vegan latte. I hope you'll give this a try.


8 oz
Coffee (Freshly Brewed)
1 t
Coconut Oil (Organic)


Brew an 8 oz cup of coffee and allow it to cool for just a few seconds. Then pour it into any kind of blender and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Enjoy your dairy free lattee!


I encourage you to buy the coconut oil from Costco. It is high quality organic and a great price (around $12-$13 in our area for a large container). I hope you have a "latte" fun with this recipe! ;) When first trying pure, clean coconut oil you may find that your stomach feels a little odd. This is normal and will get better with time. If it bothers you too much cut back to a half teaspoon and slowly work your way up. Always pay attention to your body.
