
  • Posted on: 15 November 2020
  • By: jessica

This Summer I released my first ever mini food photography course! It was exciting and scary to put my work out into the world. But, once I started seeing folks have so much success, it made all the hard work worth it. 

In this course we covered my 3 favorite angles for food photography. And we went over step-by-step how to capture a photo using each one. 

Jen Barnett said, "I enjoyed the course so much and I loved that I didn’t have to be perfect to feel like I was improving. I’m looking forward to the next one!"


Jen was so much fun in the class. She soaked in all the material like a sponge and did every single worksheet prompt which led her to taking some stunning shots! 

If you're interested in learning more about how to take your food photos to the next level, consider this your formal invitation to enroll in the FREE mini course: Spiffy Angles. You'll be glad you did!



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